L.O.V.E. Conference

2021 L.O.V.E. Summit

Get Your Tickets HERE!


Friday, October 22nd, 9 am - 1 pm 

HGSC Room 200


Are you frustrated? Overwhelmed? Tired? Struggling to find your new normal? 


Well, O.L.D. has got you covered! 


These last two years have been landmark years for change. With the hardships of COVID-19 and distance learning, ongoing racial tensions within an election year, and a declining economy, this year's L.O.V.E. Summit gets to the heart of what students need NOW: resources for navigating our new normal and learning to pivot with intention and authenticity.


Through L.O.V.E., students will learn how to lead with empathy, manage stress and anxiety, cultivate real-world skills, and develop a self-starter mindset. 


L.O.V.E. is a conference For students and BY students -- offered through Socio, an event platform that seamlessly integrates with your technology, making L.O.V.E. available to anyone with access to a smartphone or computer.



~  So what can you expect from 2021 L.O.V.E ?



KEYNOTE & FEATURE SPEAKERS whose stories and experiences will inspire you to get back on the horse, no matter what obstacles may try to stop you.


  • Parvati Shallow

    • How to Thrive in the Face of Uncertainty
  • Tianna Soto 

    • Stress, Success, & Duck Syndrome
  • Joshua Fredenburg 
    • Boss Moves! - 5 Leadership Skills that will Position Students for Career Leadership Success after Graduation! 
  • Tania Irwin

    • Getting INTUIT - The Guide to Being Your Own Best Friend 


SKILL DRILLS that enhance professional materials and real-world skills that will prepare you to stand out in the job market.



WORKSHOPS that teach you to maximize your potential and move through life with intention and self-awareness.



WELLNESS SESSIONS that remind you to take care of yourself and prioritize your health and well-being.






SWAG and GIVEAWAYS for early registrants!





Check out our 2019 L.O.V.E. Conference recap video!